System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at PerSePressAffiliateHelper.GetSchoolList(String key, String partial, String active, String orderby) in e:\kunden\homepages\26\d162970364\www\App_Code\persepress\PerSePressAffiliateHelper.cs:line 68 at ASP.persepress_freebooks_currentschools_aspx.Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E) in e:\kunden\homepages\26\d162970364\www\persepress\freebooks\CurrentSchools.aspx:line 42 Per Se Press: One-for-One Free Book Program for Schools
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Don't see your school listed here? We'd love to have your school join the program. The program costs nothing and is quick and simple. We encourage you to join now. If you'd like, you can read about the program.

Per Se Press is committed to helping teachers and schools support students' passion for writing, and improve students' writing skills. We hope you'll take advantage of this unique program to get these valuable reference books into your school's classrooms and into the hands of your students.